Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to Ryan!

It's been a while since I updated, so expect several postings over the next few days.
Ryan celebrated his 6th birthday last month. Emma, Nick and I sang Happy Birthday to him the day before and ate cupcakes that we each frosted with our own colored frosting. Kris was out of town and made it 3 for 3 on missing each child's birthday this year! On Ryan's actual birthday, him and I traveled up to my parents house to begin our vacation/camping/Ryan time weekend.
We also celebrated again with my parents while on vacation with mini cupcakes and gifts.
To celebrate his birthday with his friends, we went to Snappy for pizza and cake and followed it up with bowling. It was BOGO night, so we each got two games, which made for a really long bowling experience! They all had a great time, but by the end were bored with bowling and preferred pretending to play the video games. Ryan really enjoyed all the celebrations and was so happy with all the wonderful presents he received. So far, his favorite is the digital camera that Grammie got him (plus the case and card he needed to use it from Nana and Buppa). But the trampoline that we got him hasn't gotten out of the box yet, so we'll have to see!

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