Friday, August 19, 2011

First Day of School

Last weekend was our last official weekend of the summer. We spent it well! We drove to Michigan and spent the weekend at my parents house. The kids got to play, shop and go to the splash zone at Partridge Creek. Kris and I got to go downtown and see what we now claim as the best concert we've ever seen! We saw Kid Rock in Detroit. There is no place better to see him than in Detroit. We are sure it is a different concert than anywhere else you could see him at. His love of the city of Detroit shines thru and the crowd loves him for it. It's not like other concerts where the artist talks up the city saying something he did while there - he knows the town and it is really loved by everyone there! The concert was stopped during Sammy Hagar due to the thunderstorm, but I have not doubt that Kid Rock could have gone on and no one would have left! We rain delayed for an hour and a half, but really enjoyed the show. Afterwards, we met up with Shannon McCarthy, Heidi Stoor and Tracey Siebesma for girls night with Kris! We went home with them and woke Joe up. He was getting up early to attend the funeral of a fellow TX, classmate and friend of ours the following day (we would have gone if we didn't have to drag our three so far out of our way).
Ok back to the first day of school. We spent Monday and Tuesday, cleaning up from the weekend and enjoying our last day at the pool. Plus going to Meet The Teacher Night. We got to meet Ryan's new teacher, Mrs. Booth and see his previous teachers. We made sure that Ryan could find his room and spoke with Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Z (his other teacher) about the year.

Wednesday, came and Ryan was up early. Kris waited to go to work to see him off. Ryan was quite nervous and giddy. But he made it to the bus and off he went! I sent him with a note that I would pick him up, but he forgot and the teachers didn't get it, so he got on the bus. I looked great running down the hallways and outside trying to catch the bus. Thankfully, I was successful at catching him and off we went to our OT appointment. Later, I got a rundown of what happened including a movie on how to behave on the bus and in the hallways, library time, lunch and his favorite recess.

Thursday, he was excited once more and regaled me with his tale of school last night. My favorite part what when he told me that his friend Griffin gave him his milk and it was brown. I asked if it was chocolate and he said 'Yes, and it was awesome!!' He also enjoyed the fire drill they had.

Today, I must say, I think it sunk in that this is the new way of life. Ryan was up early trying to watch tv and didn't want to get dressed. I did convince him that he could watch half a show during breakfast if we had enough time and that seemed to make it better. He asked me I would NOT walk him to the corner today. So I watched from the porch and he safely got on the bus (thank goodness for our neighbors boys) . He just walked in the door, so I'm going to find out how things were!

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