Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Summer of 16

 Summer, summer!  Welcome to the end of summer 2016!

It was a glorious summer.  We did so much and visited so many places, that any other summer is going to look boring!

We've filled our times with camp and VBS, trips to Lexington, Columbus and Monmouth Caves.  We've tie dyed shirts, learned to make cookies, help lemonade stands.  We've ran bubble runs and bouncy obstacle courses.  We've gotten dirty in the creek and threw water balloons and chocolate pudding all over ourselves.  We've visited museums, zoos, castles, bounce places, laser tags, trampoline parks, regular parks, waterparks, and the pool.  We've enjoyed time with our neighborhood friends and time with our families in MI and PA.

We've even crashed our van (and are no learning how hard it is to live without it!)

Overall, we've had the summer of our lives.  Not much will live up to this summer.  But as our 'last' summer in NKY, we were doing all that we could, going to close places that we'll probably never come back to see.

Now, we're back into the swing of school.  The routines, the homework, the activities.  They will keep us busy for the next months while we anxiously await our move to Michigan.


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