Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Busy? What's Busy?

I guess not posting for over a month goes to show how busy we are. But we're just busy living.
With Emma in school now our days are filled with driving back and forth to school, lessons and therapy sessions. Tonight, will actually be the ultimate test. We have to pick Ryan up at 3:20, OT (4-5), Speech (5-6 - same building) and then CCD (7-8). Squeeze in dinner between there and baths during CCD. Should be an interesting and full night. And all the while...Kris is in Japan! Luckily, I think we are almost done with speech so we should only have a few times of this, plus hopefully I'll have a babysitter like normal other times (he got a new job, so it just depends on his schedule).

So what else are we doing? Let me look at the pictures to figure it out.
At home, I'm still trying to get up to date on my super cleaning (like spring, just through out the year). I'm a month behind right now because we weren't here for the entire month of August! I've also been, of course, entertaining some little ones. Bubbles are a favorite of both. Emma loves doing her workbook and Nick loves to sit and eat apples (not those cut up ones, no, no he needs the whole one!).
Emma is taking a gymnastics class at our gym. They also have an open play baby class 2 hours before her's, so I've been taking Nick to that and then working out in between. They both enjoy it as you can see from the pictures.

Luckily, Ryan hasn't been too bothered by anything we say that we do during the day. Of course, besides the mall, we haven't really done too much anyway. Emma has school Tuesdays and Thursdays and Mondays are full of gymnastics. So we are left with Wednesday and Fridays. I try to stick around the house at least one of those days. I feel that Emma and Nick eventually have to learn how to play together.

After Ryan gets home, the day is filled with homework, a little tv and hopefully some outside time. He's gotten the schedule down and usually is on the ball about getting homework done. That is a blessing!
We went to Kings Island for Toyota day a few weekends back. My mom drove down to visit and come with us. The weather threatened to rain, but ended up being beautiful. Kris and I got to ride 2 adult rides this year, up from 1 last year! The kids had a great time. But both Emma and Ryan ended up with nightmares because we weren't out of there before the monsters came out for their Halloween night.
Kris and I ran in our first 14k a few weeks back. I missed my goal time by 30 seconds, but Kris was pretty happy with his time. Although he wasn't happy with where he placed in his division. It prompted me to sign up for my first Half Marathon, which is in two weeks. This past weekend, I plotted out the 13 miles (the 14k is just short of 9 miles) and did a practice run. I made it, not with a great time, but I assume if I don't have to wait for lights I'll do at least 5 minutes faster! With my goal being 10 minutes faster.
That's about it for now, Kris is in Japan for 2 weeks. We've been giving him email updates and he called us when he got there. At least we know he's safe. And we're hoping he won't have to go back in November!

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