Emma Grace came into our lives at 8:07am on April 27th. She is a beautiful baby. She has the coloring of her mom and the facial structure of her brother. Big brother Ryan came to visit her twice already. He isn't all that interested in her yet. He likes getting up and down off the bed. He did get to hold her and wanted to take her to give her hugs.
You can read the entire birth story on our baby website, but we did make it to the hospital in time to have her here. Overall, it was a very quick labor. It really started at 2:30 am and she was born 5 1/2 hours later. And two of those hours were pushing! We got pulled over on the way to the hospital, but the cop let us go. My friend Shannon came over to stay with Ryan until my mom and sister made it down, which suprised and bothered Ryan when he woke up. Now he's happy with Nana.