Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Halloween (and other things)

We've had a busy few weeks. Everything is going crazy over here. Too much going on. Maybe next year we'll slow down - but I'm not counting on it!!
First - Happy Halloween! We had a great Halloween. Nick was a giraffe, Emma was a duck (she'll say Little Quack!). I was a cat, Ryan was the veterenarian and Kris was his nurse. We had fun going house to house, until Emma poked herself in the eye with a stick and had to go home. Nick had already fallen asleep in the wagon (not sure how, but he did). Ryan and I continued on for a few more houses. We ended up with way more candy than we'll ever eat. And have gotten rid of (aka gave to Buppa) over half of it. They had a great time and are already excited for next year - Emma already has her costume - a ladybug.

We went to our friend Jackson's 3rd birthday party. They had it at pumpkin patch. We were grateful since we didn't have to go to a pumpkin patch also! The kids had a great time petting animals, going on a hayride, picking pumpkins, playing in a hay maze and other things. They didn't want to leave (well except Nick, he wanted to leave for a nap!).

We also got to have an 'extra' Halloween time this year. Last year the kids went to the library and this year it was at our gym, Silverlake. They had a bunch of things to do including getting little pumpkins. The kids liked the blowup castle to run through and would have stayed there all night. In fact, Nick was so tired he fell asleep before dinner and slept on the couch -waking later looking around like 'how in the world did I get here?'. Pictures are above.

The last thing is that my mom, Nick and I took a little trip to Atlanta. In addition to getting to see Robin, we were there for my cousin Greg's wedding to Carly. She is a beautiful and wonderful young woman and we were very excited to be able to be present at their wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony. Nick even lightened the load by giving a big sigh right when it was quiet after Carly walked down the aisle. He was the hit of the wedding (well not as much as the bride and groom, but you can imagine). He even made it until 11pm, although it was a struggle. The drive was not so good, but managable. Now we're just glad to be home until before Thanksgiving!